There are more than fifty shades of gray when it comes to money, because each person’s financial situation is unique and complex. Earlier this month I sent out a daily series of emails, entitled “The Top 10 Money Mistakes You Might Be Making,” which I’ve compiled HERE. I received several interesting responses directly from you, my dear readers. A bookkeeper …
4 Money Books to Read This Summer
Is there anything better than reading a great book poolside, with a fruity drink in hand? I think not! When most of us think “summer reading,” it’s usually light, fun, or romantic stories. But here are four money books to read that will majorly boost your financial IQ while soaking in the sun. I promise you, these reads are anything …
Overdraft Protection: Blessing or Curse? (Video)
If you are constantly overdrawing your bank account, overdraft protection may seem like a great idea… But in truth, it’s simply allowing you to ignore the problems of overspending and failing to balance your accounts. I recently interviewed a military mom for my book, Money is Emotional: Prevent Your Heart from Hijacking your Wallet, on this subject. Her husband had always handled the …